Henry Paananen


M. Sc. (Mathematical Information Technology) Henry Paananen works as a Development Manager in HAMK Edu Research Unit / School of Professional Teacher Education at HAMK Häme Universityof Applied Sciences. His expertise include educational technology,eLearning, management, leadership and strategic planning.

Previously Mr. Paananen has over ten years of experience indeveloping new ways to implement ICT in learning context. Previously he has worked as a director of education and culture (Municipality of Kaustinen), manager in ICT study programme,project manager and teacher (Gradia / Jyväskylä Educational Consortium).

Mr. Paananen is also a member of the board in Ostrobothnia ICT Association (local association in The Finnish Information Processing Association, TIVIA).

List of publications:

Puustinen, A., Paananen, H., & Maetoloa, K. (2020). Development through Design in a Creative Ecosystem. HAMK Unlimited Journal 3.12.2020 http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2020120399317


Ratilainen J., Paananen H., Puustinen A., Lammi M., & Hautala V. (2019). Luovien alojen liikeideoiden arviointityökalu opettajien ja yritysneuvojien käyttöön. Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät YKTT2019, konferenssipaperi. https://julkaisut.haaga-helia.fi/yktt2019-13-yrittajyyskasvatuspaivat-2-3-10-2019-helsinki/


Westman S., Kauttonen J., Klemetti A., Korhonen N., Manninen M., Mononen A., Niittymäki S., & Paananen H. (2021). Artificial Intelligence for Career Guidance-Current Requirements and Prospects for the Future. IAFOR Journal of Education 9 (4).


Hiltunen L., Kangas M., Kaihlavirta A., Paananen H., Rantonen M. (2013). ScienceIT-verkkokoulu: esiselvitys https://jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/handle/123456789/40638


Majabacka B., Paananen H., (2019). Laajennettu todellisuus virtuaalisissa neuvontapalveluissa – hyötyä vai hypeä?, Arene ry. https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/267374


Paananen H. (2012) Teknologia ja verkkopedagogiikka ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Kandidaatintutkielma. https://jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/handle/123456789/37366


Paananen H. & Nevala J. (2012). Aktiivitaulut ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Pro gradu. https://jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/handle/123456789/40718


Paananen, H. & Rusanen, T. 2019. Osaamisperusteisuutta tukevan osaamismerkkiohjelmiston valinta. ePooki. Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus- ja kehitystyön julkaisut 84. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi-fe2019102434660.


Paananen H. & Tamminen, J. (2008). Verkkoviestintäjärjestelmät opiskelijan ohjaamisessa. Opetusta verkossa : näkökulmia erilaiseen opetusharjoittelukokemukseen / Ritva-Liisa Järvelä toim.) (2008) https://jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/bitstream/handle/123456789/25480/9789513940546.pdf?sequence=1





Competitive Skills - National Open Badge -constellation of problem solving in technology-rich environments (PSTRE, PIAAC)

Project Coordinator of HAMK in the Project
Competitive Skills - National Open Badge -constellation of problem solving in technology-rich environments (PSTRE, PIAAC)

• The project aims to develop a nationwide open badge constellation, which enables the verification of adults’ problem solving skills in technology-rich environments (PIAAC) by identifying and recognising competences acquired outside the formal education system, at different levels of education, and in transition phases of the education structure. In addition, the project provides a requirement framework of competence (determining the composition of objectives, core contents and assessment criteria) for securing IT-related problem-solving skills in formal and non-formal education.
• Using learning anylytics to support open badges
• Develop and evaluate education materials, courses of basic ICT skills on the national level


APOA project - Learning Analytics in the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences

Project Coordinator & ICT Expert of HAMK in the APOA project - Learning Analytics in the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences

• The APOA project is a Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture funded project on researching and piloting learning analytics in the Universities of Applied Sciences participated by 11 universities
• Project coordination and communication with the expert group
• Recommendaton on how to use learning analytics in higher education

Creve 2.0 - a collaboration model for creative business services

Project Coordinator & ICT Expert of HAMK in the Project Creve 2.0 - a collaboration model for creative business services

• The project aimed to create a national structure of services for creative industries that has constant collaboration with other industries, business services, educational institutions and other supporting services. The project cooperates efficiently with other projects dealing with creative industries as well as both growth and restructuring the
industrial field
• The activities of the project will be experimental and boosting the best practices. The project will create a model of services by experimenting and piloting. This model will be implemented for permanent use by project partners and other creative industries services linked to this project.
• The significant novelty of the project can be found also in the collaboration model of project partners. The project brings the know-how of universities in this consortium into wider use of business services. The top expertise of the university partners will intertwine into know-how concentration of the creative industries which has never before existed in Finland. This model guarantees the totally new level of services for all actors dealing with the creative industries.
• Project coordination and communication
• Development of the hybrid learning
• Create, develop, and evaluate the pedagogical models for industrial startups how to use virtual and hybrid technologies to support the industries
• Develop the cooperation between the industry and higher education, and explore the innovative business opportunities

Project Open merkit –Teacher's open badges

Expert in the Project Open merkit –Teacher's open badges

• The project aims to create and establish a national digital badges system to support the recognition and acknowledging of professional competences of vocational teachers during their teacher studies as well as their entire professional career.
• The project is connected to the national reform of vocational education, supporting the changing role of a teacher. The project is conducted in collaboration between all schools of professional/vocational teacher education in Finland. The method used is based on an iterative process of agile development, comprising of quick prototyping and piloting, and continuous feedback and modification.
• The digital badges system is piloted in the project, and it will be implemented in relevant educational institutions and educational administration.
• As the specialist in Open Badging systems, creating the national digital badges system in technical context


Gira Mundo Finlândia Programme in cooperation with the State Secretariat of Education of the State of Paraíba in Brazil

Digital Pedagogy Expert in the training programme: Gira Mundo Finlân¬dia Programme in cooperation with the State Secretariat of Education of the State of Paraíba in Brazil for higher education and K-12 teachers

• Providing consultancy for the participants in the module of Digitalisation in the Gira Mundo Finlândia Programme which has received the 2018 AFS Award for Innovation in Global Education based on the significant contribution to global competence educa¬tion in Brazil and abroad.

POMOKO - Continuing Education Programme for Education Leaders

Educational Technology Expert in the Project POMOKO - Continuing Education Programme for Education Leaders

• Design, development, implementation and evaluation of two training courses for the vocational school management on business intelligence, how to use data to support the management of schools
• Coaching and mentoring the directors and managers of vocational schools in educational technologies
• Coordination between the world of work and schools


Pedagogical Training for Professional Teacher Development – Professional Development Certificate for Teachers (22 ECTS)

Hybrid Pedagogical Expert in the Pedagogical Training for Professional Teacher Development – Professional Development Certificate for Teachers (22 ECTS)

• Designing, planning, developing, guiding, lecturing and evaluating the programme on interative online & hybrid pedagogies
• Developing and evaluating the active learning methodologies, student-centered approaches, digital pedagogies and collaborative knowledge building to enhance pedagogical developers’ and teachers’ competences in the hybrid model
• Skilled communication and coordination with the teacher educator expert group



Expert of Open badges in the Project: DC4WORK

• The project promoted digital competences for better employability and innovation in the sector of tourism and commerce in Europe
• Writing the Future work articles based on competence development utilizing digital Open Badges